When we do the same thing over and over again without success, yet still expect different results… we are caught in the vicious cycle of insanity. Embrace the need for change by breaking the mold, trying something new, and re-committing to your goals with a new perspective. Do not limit yourself by thinking there is solely one possible path available to achieve your goals. That is simply untrue. When you welcome in the idea of change, you open the gates to your creative freedom, which will then allow you to begin thinking outside of the box.
On this journey, I have discovered many great things about myself, like the joy I find in writing and my love of fitness??
However, all of my new found joys would have remained hidden if I did not first step out on faith and challenged myself to embrace a NEW thing. When journeying towards your goals, keep striving until you find something that WORKS, and then stick to it! You will begin to unlock your greatness one level at a time