Another way to say this is “We grow what we sow” or “We breed what we feed”. I’m sure you get the point lol, but this is a truth that we need not take lightly. Many times we attribute our personal failures to external circumstances outside of our control or are taken by surprise when we realize that the direction of our lives has taken a sharp turn headed in a downward spiral. While these happenings are always unfortunate, we often times forget the principle role that we played in enabling the occurrence. Enabling the occurrence can mean procrastinating from your current responsibilities, giving up/giving in when you encounter a rough-patch in your journey, allowing negative thoughts to govern your mind, consciously putting yourself in situations that conflict with who you are/who you are becoming, etc.
Life is given to the things that we plant, nurture, and feed. Weeds of fear, anxiety, hate, lust, gluttony, laziness, guilt and self-pity WILL grow if you continue to tend to them. Weeds WILL compete with your cultivated plants. Weeds WILL eventually overtake the beautiful flowers in our garden if we do not uproot them. We give power to the things that we devote our time and energies to. It is imperative that you decipher what you are empowering in your life. Are these things in alignment with your goals? Are you giving life to your purpose? Or are you feeding the agenda of the enemy?
We all have a responsibility to manage our gardens to ensure that our thriving seeds are driving us closer to our purpose. Let’s give our flowers power by nurturing them towards a beautiful bloom. We are growing the BEST versions of ourselves ✨ ?????✨
#MotivationMondayThroughSunday #MessagesOfMotivation #MidWeekMotivation #CultivatingYourPurpose #GoodSeeds #Growth #PreachingToMyself #AndSharingWithYou #SharingIsCaring #StephanieNaruPhotography #ShesAMotivator